Thursday, February 18, 2010

Technology Curriculum or not....

Ok...when I completed my Ed.S. program, my major project was to write a Technoloy Curriculum for K-8. I did, and oddly enough, it looked very much like the one that was later adopted by the state, (woo hoo). Then, I went on to write my dissertation on why teachers didn't integrate a tool. After all, wasn't that how industry viewed it? that technology looks so very's time for a new Technology Curriculum. Or, is it? I started a new curriculum based upon the ISTE*S refreshed last year. I filled in the blanks with what was still applicable from the old standards, thinking that with a task force the other blanks could quickly be filled in and Voila....Tennessee would have a new K-8 Tech Curriculum. Well...after much mental trepidation over the whole issue....I now wonder (actually I'm quite convinced) if perhaps technology in K-8 shouldn't be it's own curriculum...but maybe it should be the tool with which we accomplish the academics standards. Perhaps the new academic standards should be retro-fitted with the ISTE*S standards and gurded up with some relevant resources for teachers to accomplish two things in one step. So, now that you're scratching your head and wondering just how I burnt my brain up.....if teachers realized that if the students created a pod-cast to review, say, the scientific many academic and technology standards they would cover just in that one project?! OOOOps....there's that word....project. If teachers utilized inquiry/project based learning in their classrooms, then, we would be living the technology standards rather than teaching them....and I would hazard a huge guess....that the students would be empowered to learn and easily cover the academic standards with joy and glee. Ok...maybe not joy and glee....but at least with some ownership of their own learning and pride of accomplishment.
Here's a link to my wiki with Tech Curriculum....if you see fit or interest to comment or edit, please request permission through the wiki and have at it!


  1. I totally agree that if students used technology in conjunction with academics it would be less work for both parties. Students love making up questions for reviewing for tests - why not use a powerpoint game that they create. I know I have done this when I was in the classroom and it really made a difference in test scores and retention of material.

  2. That is a wonderful way to engage and empower students! Another great way is to let the students interview each other to find out what they already know.....then, interview to find out what they want to know....and finally what they have learned. It's the old KWL method...but can be done with podcasts, videos, or just in a collaborative platform like edmodo.
