Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Podcasts - on a PC...

Hey...I realize (mostly because my kids remind me often)...a lot of times I am about a day late and dollar short in finding out about stuff....sometimes because I hear about it...and then, promptly forget it....or, I procrastinate and forget it....or, well, the reasons are as many as the ideas....however, because of an online course that I am taking to learn all about the Web 2.0 tools and how we could effectively use them in the educational world....I had to make a podcast...using my pc and 2.0 tools. Ok...Well, after struggling with downloading Lame after a successful download of Audacity....(if i had followed directions....Lame would have been a breeze the first time....)....then, in my most humble opinion...I did not find the obvious directions on Podbean to be too helpful. Frustration overtook me! I was ready to scream....when I resistantly caved and clicked on the help button. Much to my chagrin...there were the step by step directions, that when followed, resulted in an uploaded and published podcast through which the world could be enlightened. So...then, I had to figure out what to do with, I added a podcast player to my Facebook page....and pushed it out to that....then, I added one to my blog. So...if you click on the pretty box on the left hand side....or push play on the little can actually listen to my podcast. Well, all is good and right in the universe now. I am a happy techy once again.

I plan to create another podcast and this time record step by step bulleted instructions...and log an approximate time frame in which a beginner could actually build a podcast and have it online for others to hear. Teachers need to be using things like this in their classrooms...administrators need to be using these free tools....I'm sure there are many that do....but for those who are not, and are not because they don't know how....You, my friends, will soon NOT have an excuse. Because now, I am living proof that ANYBODY can create, upload, and publish a podcast!

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