Monday, June 6, 2011

Technology for Administrators

This semester I will be attempting to teach an online course through TSU.  Aside from one little issue, (I have NO access to the e-learn site) I'm ready to roll.  Until (if ever) a contract goes through, I have to be creative in how I can communicate with the class.  So, I figure this is a GREAT time to resurrect the blog.

So, I am going to attempt to use this platform for discussions with the class.  Let me start by welcoming all of you.  I started this blog last year as a part of an online course that I was participating in.....then, a little thing called First to the Top happened and my time for blogging fell off the plate.

Please feel free to read through previous posts and enjoy some of the resources I had posted.
Feel free to comment.  I just received the texts today....I will be posting some topics for discussion really soon.
Dr. D


  1. Hello, Is this class entirely online or is it hybrid? If this class is hybrid, will we be required to meet on Wednedays only in what room?
    Kyshia Holt

  2. Ok, I think I get how this is goign to work. Well try it and see.

    Jerry "Donivan" Stockwell

  3. Kyshia, the TTU doctoral cohort understood that this was online. Dr. Denson, I have not used the elearn system at TSU - previous teachers preferred email rather than going through the system. I had a lot of online courses at TTU and they worked great.
    Tricia Jones

  4. Hello Barbara! I am pleased to have you as the instructor for this course. I will have difficulties attending if this is not an online class, since I teach every night. Surely they will get you logged into to elearn soon?


  5. Testing 123. Looks like we are online and can communicate.
    J. Fox

  6. I can post from my iPad but not from my laptop....any suggestions?

  7. Greetings!!! I am glad that we have some form of communication. I hope that you get acess to elearn soon, because I am not a blogger so this is all new to me.

  8. Hello! I think this will be a great alternative until you are up on the elearn site. Thanks!

    Susanna Holloway

  9. Wow. Hey everybody! First let me say that the class will be completely online. I was not informed of what or how the class was actually meant to be taught....was told it was a hybrid....anyway...please Stay in touch as much as you want or need!

  10. Hello everyone. I've never had an online class throught TSU, so I don't know what to expect from elearn. Dr. Denson... i'm sure if you guide us throught it, we will all follow.
    Michael Barry

  11. Hello world!!
    I have never "blogged" before now! I will now have phone mail, e-mail, text mail, and blog mail - and last but not least, US Mail!!
    I am glad to be communicating!
    Tammy Hatfield

  12. Hello all. Dr. Denson, I teach completely online classes for TTU through the eLearn system. I can offer whatever help I can. My email is if you would like to ask specific questions. Thanks.

  13. Hello World indeed! That's awesome, Tammy.

  14. Blogging is fine with me. Hope everyone is having a super summer.


  15. Blogging is a neat way for us to communicate with this class. It is something different that I don't normally have time to do. Hope that everyone is enjoying the hot summer weather!

  16. Suzanne, trying using firefox or safari as your browser on your laptop instead of ie.

  17. I'm not sure about HOW to post a comment. I hope this is working.

  18. Great! It seems I've figured it out and I'm glad this is an online course. Ready to roll!

  19. Test from my laptop...I've been having trouble also...Problem now solved
