Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ok to size it all up....go here and push the button. http://www.dramabutton.com/

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wow! is all I can say...after attending a full day at MTETA's first ITA. ok...for those of you that don't know all of the acronyms...that would be Middle Tennessee Educational Technology Association (MTETA) and Instructional Technology Academy (ITA). It was a great day of learning and sharing of technology primarily aimed at teachers. I attended a session on Twitter....it was great! I tweet...but haven't been using TweetDeck....I will soon! Then, I went to a Skype session. Came home...downloaded Skype and had a call from a teacher friend in Georgia. I mean this technology is here and now! TOTALLY kewl! Then, I learned how to make a Voki. Wow.....what a neat way to send home homework assignments to the little ones! OMG....I mean....this stuff is free.....easy.....and hello FREE! Then, I went to a session on all of the latest and greatest free resources conducted by Kris and Jackie in Rutherford County Schools. They are super trainers, too. They are always on the cutting edge...but also, make learning new technologies fun and stress free. So, why am I not sleepy tonight? I have been rejuvenated today. My wonderful wonderful TCs continue to wow me and make me glad they are responsible for tech learning in TN!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Organizing a little bit........

In an attempt to share and be collaborative at the same time, I put the Internet Safety Resources out on wikispaces.com I hope that folks will feel free to join the wiki and add great resources or take away any that might suffer from linkrot. Thanks in advance! Here's the link to the wiki...